Monday, June 17, 2013

You Got This! Conquer Today. Make It Your Bitch

This is the child of a single comment. Maybe it was in jest, maybe not. Nevertheless here we sit. We are on the precipice of glory. The road to greats days and sunshine... Maybe I am putting too much in to this for a Monday;

 "You Got This" was an idea formed on Monday, so no better day to throw down the gauntlets. Will my grammar be perfect, nope, but I'll try. I'll give it that old "3am on the day a term paper is due college effort." Will anyone read this? Not sure. Will today's post make any sense? Probably not, it will be a winding web in to my thoughts... that will get organized in time. Moving along...

Now, am I the poster child for optimism? Hardly. I'm just trying to make headway, trying to see the brighter side of life for lack of a better phrase. Cliche as it may be, I want to find that small ray of sunshine in every day. I have my cloudy days but if I dwell on the dark, I find that my whole outlook on the day is effected. People sometimes become annoyed with my calm and relaxed nature, the way I take everything on and roll with it. Life is too short to dwell on the darkness. 

Mondays. Dreary Mondays. The start of a new work week. So why dread them? It is a new week, a new chance at something exciting. I know that technically Sunday is the start of the week, but people tend to view Monday as their start. After a nice relaxing, or busy, weekend, Monday is where you start slowly trudging through your week. NO MORE. Embrace Mondays as a chance to achieve something great or as a reason to smile. I think bad days are more about attitude than anything. We can change how Mondays are perceived. 

There is always something to smile about. Never forget this. Days may be hard and difficult at times, hell weeks can be difficult to get through. Sometimes an action, as small as a smile can make the world of difference in someone's day. Or even a friendly hello can do the job. Have a friend going through some tough times, take them out for coffee or bring them lunch. Sit down and talk to them, maybe that is all that they need. It is amazing the difference that a conversation can have on someone's outlook. Keep your head up when walking about, you never know what you are missing by staring at that concrete.

Make today great. Find a reason to smile. This isn't a request. It is a demand (I do that, if you plan to read this, get used to it). 

Listen up and Listen carefully.... errr. Read carefully... no that doesn't make sense...Write this down on your cubicle wall... Carve it in to your desk....  Let the following sink in....



-The Infidel

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